講題: 在恩典中歸回 Title: Return in Grace 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記Ezra 1:1-8 1 歸回是神的心意 Returning is God’s will 2 歸回是神的作為 Returning is God’s work 3 歸回是神的恩典 Returning is God’s grace
講題: 不得榮耀的得勝 Title: Victory without Honor 經文Scripture: 士師記四章1-21節 Judges 4:1-21 1 女士師底波拉 Deborah the woman judge 2 軟弱的弟兄巴拉 Barak the weak brother 3 得勝但不得榮耀 Victory without glory 4 姊妹帶來的幫助 Help brought in…
講題: (8) 為義受逼迫的人有福了 Title: (8) Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted Because of Righteousness 經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 5:10-12; 彼得前書1 Peter 4:12-14; 哥林多後書2 Corinthians 4:16-17  1 受逼迫的原因 The reason for the persecution…
講題: 我們起來建造吧! Title: Let Us Start Rebuilding! 經文Scripture: 尼希米記Nehemiah 2:17-18; 腓立比書Philippians 2:1-8, 14-15 序言: 由尼希米的事蹟想今日教會 Preface: Ponder today’s church by remembering Nehemiah’s deeds 1 同心合意--意念相同,愛心相同,有一樣的心思,有一樣的意念 Unity--being like-minded, having the same…
講題: (7) 使人和睦的人有福了 Title: (7) Blessed Are the Peacemakers  經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 5:9; 哥林多後書 5:18-21; 以弗所書2:14-16; 羅馬書12:3 與神和好 Making peace with God   與人和好 Making peace with Men   與己和好 Making…
講題: (6) 清心的人有福了 Title: (6) Blessed Are the Pure in Heart 經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 5:8; 詩篇Psalm 24:3-4; 雅各書James 4:4, 8; 約伯記Job 42:5 1 單純無偽的心  A pure and honest heart 2 全然專一的心 Totally single-minded…
講題: 長老 - 牧養、教導和監督教會的人 Title: Elders Who Shepherd, Teach and Oversee the Church 經文Scripture: 提摩太前書 1 Timothy 3:1-7  引言 Introduction 1 長老職分與職責(1-2, 5)Elder’s office and duties 2 長老品格與歷練(2-5)Elder’s characters and family…