講題: 真實的悔改 Title: The Real Repentance 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 10:1~17 I. 口裏認罪 Plead Guilty II. 心裏悔改 Change in Mind III. 行動改變 Action Change

替代 Substitution

November 14, 2021
講題: 替代 Title: Substitution 經文Scripture: 士師記 Judges 17:1~13 1 罪的開始 The beginning of sin 2 罪的蔓延 The propagate of sin 3 罪的工價 The wages of sin
講題: 認真對待罪 Title: Getting Serious about Sin 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記Ezra 9:1-15 一、追憶的禱告 Prayer of Remembrance(5~8) 二、感恩的禱告 Prayer of Thanksgiving(9~10) 三、認罪的禱告 Prayer of Confession(10~15)
講題: 主耶穌的教會的誕生 II Title: Jesus’ Church Is Born-Jerusalem Church II 經文Scripture: 使徒行傳Acts 2:1~13 宣道會創辦人宣信博士 C&MA founder Dr. A. B. Simpson was born on Dec 15th 1843. 1 聖經告訴我們教會是在五旬節誕生,在主耶穌升天后第十天。The Church was born on…
講題: 真與假的分水嶺 Title: Discerning the Line Between True and False   經文Scripture: 提摩太後書 2Timothy 2:14-3:17 1 在真理上,主要與次要的分水嶺 Discerning doctrinal truth between major and minor 2 在生活上,敬虔與敗壞的分水嶺 Discerning character in life between godly…
講題: 神手的幫助 Title: The Help of God's Hand 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 8:15~32 1 神揀選的手The Hand of God's Chosen (8: 15~18) 2 神幫助的手The Hand of God's Help (8: 21~23) 3 神保佑的手The Hand…

任意 Indulgence

October 10, 2021
講題: 任意 Title: Indulgence 經文Scripture: 士師記 Judges 十四章1~7節 1 士師參孫(第七循環) Judge Samson 2 任意 Indulgence 3 管教 Discipline
講題: 主的使者 Title: The Lord's Messenger 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記 Ezra 7:6~10, 27, 28 以斯拉生命見證 Ezra's life testimony 他出身祭司世家He came from a priest family 他有神手的幫助He has the help of God's 他有堅定的意志He has a firm…
講題:直到萬民都聽聞 Title: Till All Have Heard 經文Scripture: 創世記 Genesis12:1-3; 馬太福音Matthew28:19-20 當上帝呼召他們時…他們回應了。 神呼召我們做什麼?When God called them to go…they responded. What is God calling us to do? 禱告 Pray 奉獻 Give 去或差派 Go…

同心建造 Build It Together

September 19, 2021
講題: 同心建造 Title: Build It Together 經文Scripture: 以斯拉記Ezra 6:14~22 建殿工程順利的完成      以斯拉記 Ezra 6 The temple construction project was successfully completed   神使亞述王的心轉向 God turned the heart of the king of Assyria (1-13節)…