講題: 如何阻止衝突 Title:  How to Stop Conflict 經文Scripture: 尼希米記Nehemiah 5: 1~19 1 懇求他們的愛 Appealed to their love (v. 7) 2 提醒神的救贖目的 Reminded of God’s redemptive purpose (v. 8) 3 以神的話為根基 Based…
講題: 聖靈引領我在神的愛的關系裏生活 ( I ) Title:  The Holy Spirit leads me to live in God’s love relationship 經文Scripture: 哥林多後書2 Corinthians 5: 1~17 基督徒所有的是一個超然的信息。基督徒如何能活出超然的生活?Christians have a supernatural message. How do we live…
講題: 戰勝沮喪 Title:  Defeating Discouragement 經文Scripture: 尼希米記Nehemiah 4: 1~23 內在沮喪的原因 Internal Causes of Discouragement 1 過勞 Fatigue. v10 2 挫折 Frustrated. v10 3 懼伯 Fear. v12 沮喪的治療 Cures for Discouragement 1…
講題: 試煉、罪與恩賜 Title:  Trials, Sin and Gifts 經文Scripture: 雅各書James 1: 1~18 1 什麼是試煉與試探 (What) v2-11 2 為何人會受到試探 (Why) v12-14 3 如何識別與勝過致死的罪 (How) v15-18
講題: 與別人恰當的同工 Title:  Working Well with Others 經文Scripture: 尼希米記Nehemiah 3: 1~14 1 領導者需作榜樣 Leaders must set the example. verse 1 2 神使用不同的人 God uses all kinds of people. verse 8 3…
講題: 上帝的祝福 Title:  God’s Blessing 經文Scripture: 詩篇Psalm 115∶11~18 1 平安就是福 2 富足就是福 3 健康就是福 4 百事順利就是福 5 得永生就是福