講題:聖誕節的真正意義 Sermon Title: The Real Meaning Of Christmas 經文: 約翰福音三章16-17節 Scripture: John 3: 16-17 News Of A Birth 一個誕生的新聞 Two BIG Questions 兩個重大的問題 Jesus In The Four Gospels 耶穌在四個福音書中 The Trinity 三位一體…
講題:第一件聖誕禮物 Sermon Title: The First Christmas Gift 經文:馬太福音二章1-11節 Scripture: Matthew 2:1-11 1 聖誕的喜樂 The joy of Christmas 2 失去喜樂的原因 Reason for losing joy 3 第一件聖誕禮物 The first Christmas gift 4 尋回失去的喜樂 Finding…
講題:翻轉悲慘命運的跟隨 Sermon Title: The Following Averts a Destiny 經文:馬太福音一章5節; 路得記一章16節 Scripture: Matthew 1:5; Ruth 1:16 前言 Introduction 1 跟對了人和她所信的神 Following the right person and the God she believes 2 以拾麥穗為生 Make a living by…
講題: 逃離耶路撒冷 Sermon Title: Escape from Jerusalem 經文: 使徒行傳廿三章12-24節 Scripture: Acts 23:12 -24 1 Paul In Jerusalem 保羅在耶路撒冷 2 The plot to murder Paul 謀殺保羅的計劃 3 Paul’s sister’s son 保羅的外甥 4 Paul’s escape 保羅的脫逃…
講題: 說不了的恩賜 Sermon Title: The Unspeakable Gift 經文: 哥林多後書 9:15; 2:14; 4:7, 15; 8:9; 9:11 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:15; 2:14; 4:7, 15; 8:9; 9:11 1 基督是香氣(林後2 Cor. 2:14-16)Christ is the savour (aroma) 2 基督是寶貝(林後2…
講題: 向神稱謝 Sermon Title:Give Thanks to the Lord 經文: 詩篇一百篇 Scripture: Psalm 100 向全地宣告,人理當向耶和華稱謝並樂意事奉祂 Proclaim to the world, all men shall exhort to praise God, serve Him with the whole heart and a willing…
講題: 保羅的見證 Sermon Title: Paul’s Testimony 經文: 使徒行傳22章1節 - 23章35節 Scripture: Acts 22: 1 - 23:35 1 Paul’s Testimony 保羅的見證 2 Paul’s Roman Citizenship 保羅的羅馬公民身份 3 Paul’s 1st Trial 保羅的第一次受審 4 Paul’s 2nd Trial…
講題: 我們是蒙神應許所生的兒女 Sermon Title: We are children born through God’s promise 經文: 馬太福音1:2;加拉太書3:6-18, 4:1-7, 4:21-31 Scripture: Matthew 1:2; Galatians 3:6-18, 4:1-7, 4:21-31 前言 Introduction 亞伯拉罕的福臨到基督徒 Abraham's blessing to Christians 1 因信稱義的福 The blessing of being…
講題: 保羅的秘密 Sermon Title: Paul’s Secret 讀經: 使徒行傳廿一章10-15節 Scripture: Acts 21:10-15 1 Compelled by the Spirit 被聖靈所驅使 2 Paul’s task 保羅的任務 3 God’s grace 上帝的恩典 4 Paul’s secret 保羅的秘密 5 Arrested in…
講題: 以色列阿,你要聽!Sermon Title: Hear, O Israel 經文: 馬太福音廿二章37-40節 Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40 前言 Introduction 1 以色列阿,你要聽!Hear, O Israel 2 是看還是聽? To see or to hear? 3 都是因為世界觀 It’s all about worldview 4 有對話有溝通才能認識 (包括讀) Knowing…