講題: 彼得前書介紹 Sermon Title: Introduction to 1 Peter 經文: 彼得前書一章1~4節 Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:1~4  1 What is valuable? 什麼東西值錢? 2 Who is Peter? 誰是彼得? 3 What you are now... 你現在是什麼… 4 Stranger…
講題: 尊主耶穌為王 Sermon Title: Magnifying Lord Jesus as King經文: 馬太福音 2: 1-12 Matthew 2: 1-12 大綱 Outline: 一、前言 Introduction 二、三種對王的態度  Three attitudes toward King 1.希律王 King Herod 2.祭司和文士 Priests and teachers of the…

進入安息 Enter the Rest

February 17, 2019
講題: 進入安息 Sermon Title: Enter the Rest    經文: 馬太福音 Matthew 11:28-30 大綱 Outline: 神使人休息 God Gives People Rest 造物主不休息,受造物要休息The Creator does not rest, but the creation must rest   休息在救贖中:為奴之家進入安息Rest is in salvation:…
講題: 光明與恩典之源 Sermon Title: The Source Of Light & Grace 經文: 使徒行傳28:16 - 31 (Acts 28:16 – 31)  大綱 Outline: 1 Paul Arrives In Rome保羅抵達羅馬 2 Paul Greeted By Christian Brothers保羅受基督徒歡迎 3…
講題: 神是掌權的 Sermon Title: God Is Sovereign 經文: 使徒行傳25:13 – 21 Scripture: Acts 25:13 – 21 大綱 Outline: 1 Review回顧 2 Jerusalem & Caesarea 耶路撒冷和該撒利亞 3 Lies & Suffering 謊言和患難 4 Knowing God’s…
講題:喜從何來? Sermon Title: Where Comes the Happiness? 經文: 路加福音 4:16-21 Scripture:  Luke 4: 16-21 大綱 Outline: 神要他的子民如何過年 How God wants His people to spend the New Year 1 向神悔罪 祈求赦免 Repentance to God, pray for forgiveness 2 吹角紀念 迎接主來…
講題:連於基督的團契生活 Sermon Title: The Fellowship with Jesus Christ 經文: 腓力比書2:1-4 Scripture: Philippians 2:1-4 前言 Introduction 一、連於基督的團契生活 The fellowship with Jesus Christ 二、教會的團契生活 The fellowship in church 三、破壞團契的個人因素 The factors damage the fellowship in church…
講題:怎樣與神同行 Sermon Title: How to Walk with God 經文: 彌迦書6:8 Scripture: Micah 6: 8 一、前言 Introduction 二、時代背景 Background 三、彌迦先知見到的不義 The injustice that the prophet Micah saw 四、先知認識到神的懲罰 The prophet recognized God’s punishments…