講題: 做上帝群羊的牧人 Sermon Title: Be Shepherds of God’s Flock 經文: 彼得前書五章1~4節 Scripture: 1 Peter 5:1- 4  1 Peter – Fisherman or Shepherd? 彼得–是漁夫還是牧人? 2 What Jesus Told Peter 耶穌跟彼得說了什麼? 3 Biblical Shepherds …
講題: 大使命的施行與體會 Sermon Title: Implementation and Experience of the Great Commission 經文: 馬太福音廿八章16-20節 Scripture:  Matthew 28: 16-20 1 前言  Introduction 2 神在經濟上的供應  Financial supplies from God. 3 家庭教會的變遷  Changes of family churches. 4 神同在的體會  Experiencing God…
講題: 香氣四溢的基督的使者 Sermon Title: Christ’s Ambassadors with Overflowing Aroma 經文: 哥林多後書二章14-16節五章16-20節 Scripture:  2 Corinthians 2:14-16; 5:16-20 1 作為基督的使者,是神給我們的託付。 林後 5:16-20 God has prepared us to be Christ’s ambassadors. 2 作為基督的使者,我們列在得勝的隊伍中。 林後2:14 As Christ’s ambassadors,…
講題: 失而復得的榮耀 Sermon Title: The Lost but Regained Glory 經文: 歌羅西書1章25-28節 Scripture:  Colossians 1:25-28 1 榮耀的源頭 Source of Glory 2 榮耀的賦予Empowerment of Glory 3 榮耀的傳揚Proclamation of Glory 4 榮耀的虧缺 Falling Short of Glory 5…
講題: 信心的行為 Sermon Title: Acts of Faith 經文: 雅各書2章14-26節 Scripture:  James 2:14-26 1 表面信心 Surfacy Faith A 真正的信仰不僅僅是你所說的 Real faith is not just something you SAY B 真正的信仰不只是你感受到的東西 Real faith is not just something…

服事衆人 Serve Others

August 18, 2019
講題: 服事衆人 Sermon Title: Serve Others 經文: 彼得前書四章7-11節 Scripture:  1 Peter 4:7-11 1 The Night Is Nearly Over  夜晚快結束了 2 Time To Pray  是禱告的時候了 3 Love Covers sin  愛遮掩許多的罪 4 Be Careful What You Look…
講題: 我由天再來 Sermon Title: I Return From Above 經文: 馬太福音二十四章37-42節 Scripture: Matthew 24:37-42 1 主再來的预兆: 天災人禍 The omen of the Lord's return: natural disasters 2 主再來的結果: 取去一个,撇下一个 The result of the Lord's return: one will be…
講題: 隨時準備好給出答案 Sermon Title: “Always Be Prepared To Give An Answer” 經文: 彼得前書三章13-22節 Scripture: 1 Peter 3:13-22 1 Counted Worthy To Suffer  配得受苦 2 Be Prepared  做好準備 3 Create Your Personal Testimony  準備好你的個人見證 4 Seeking Happiness Without God  在上帝之外尋求幸福…