講題: 靠主喜樂 Sermon Title: Rejoice in the Lord 經文: 腓立比書三章1-14節 Scripture: Philippians 3:1-14 1 棄絕虛假的喜樂 Renouncing the false joy 2 得著真實的喜樂 Having the real joy 3 追求喜樂的源頭 Pursuit of the source of joy
講題: 我是好牧人 Sermon Title: I Am the Good Shepherd 經文: 約翰福音十章1-21節 Scripture: John 10: 1-21 1 好牧人為羊捨命 Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep 2 好牧人顧念羊Good Shepherd concerns about the sheep 3…
講題: 認識 神 Sermon Title: The Knowledge of God... 經文: 彼得後書一章1-4節 Scripture: 2 Peter 1:1-4 1 Historical Context 歷史背景 2 Inspiration and the Trinity 感動與三位一體 3 Knowledge Is Power 知識就是力量 4 The Promises of God 上帝的應許…

面對風浪 Facing the Storm

November 10, 2019
講題: 面對風浪 Sermon Title: Facing the Storm 經文: 哥林多後書四章7-10節 Scripture: 2 Corinthians 4:7-10  1 人的毅力或是神的能力 Perseverance of man or power of God 2 盼望在人或是盼望在神 Hope in man or hope in God 3 生命成長或是生命耗盡 Growing life…
講題: 上帝真實的恩典 Sermon Title: The True Grace of God  經文: 彼得前書五章12-14節 Scripture: 1 Peter 5:12-14  1 Climate Change 氣候變化 2 The Problem & the Solution 問題 & 解決方案 3 Silas: Amanuensis 西拉:文書 4 She…
講題: 被呼召,到遠處 Sermon Title: Called to the Regions Beyond 經文: 馬太福音九章35-38節 Scripture: Matthew 9:35-38 1 Introduction 前言 2 Serving communities 服務社區 3 Developing people 發展群眾 4 Multiplying church 增植教會 5 Conclusion 結語
講題: 你的仇敵魔鬼 Sermon Title: Your Enemy The Devil 經文: 彼得前書五章5-1 1節 Scripture: 1 Peter 5: 5 – 11 1 Elders & “Youngers” 長者和“年輕人” 2 Pride & Humility 驕傲與謙卑 3 Your Enemy The Devil…
講題: 恩典的信念 Sermon Title: The Concept of Grace 經文: 以弗所書二章1-10節 Scripture: Ephesians 2: 1-10 1 行為稱義的錯誤 Error of justification by work 2 因信稱義的真理 Truth of justification by faith 3 基督的義和展示的義 Christ’s righteousness…