講題: 聖路易 Title: It’s Easy to walk on the Holy Road 經文 Scripture: 馬太福音 Matthew 11:28-29, 16:24  聖路是小路,也要先進窄門,卻是通往永生之道 The holy road is narrow, and it must go through the small gate,…
講題: 安逸中的墮落 Title: Lost in Comfort 經文Scripture: 士師記Judges 3:7-14; 彼得後書 2nd Peter 1:5-8    1 背逆帶來的困境 Rebellion brought forth difficulties 2 呼求帶來的拯救 Call brought forth salvation 3 安逸帶來的墮落 Ease brought forth…
講題: (3) 溫柔的人有福了 Title: Blessed Are the Meek 經文Scripture: 馬太福音Matthew 5:5; 詩篇Psalm 37:1-11             1 溫柔的人倚靠耶和華 The meek depend on the Lord 2 溫柔的人交托耶和華  The meek entrust the Lord 3 溫柔的人等候耶和華 …

去 Go

February 21, 2021
講題: 去!Title: Go! 經文 Scripture: 歌羅西書 Colossians 1:28~2:1               “去”需要順服 Going requires OBEDIENCE “去”需要勇氣 Going requires COURAGE “去”需要犧牲 Going requires SACRIFICE
講題: 守約與背約 Title: Keep or Break the Covenant 經文Scripture: 申命記Deuteronomy 6:1-9; 士師記Judges2:1-3 1 聖約 The Covenant 2 士師記結構 The structures of the Book of Judges 3 傳承的警告與失敗 The warning and…
講題: 八福是生命素質 Title: Beatitudes Are the Essence of Life 經文Scripture: 馬太福音 Matthew 5:1-16   虛心的人有福了 Blessed are the poor in spirit   哀慟的人有福了 Blessed are those who mourn   溫柔的人有福了 Blessed are…
講題: 成長的過程 Title: The Growing Process 經文Scripture: 以弗所書 Ephesians 4:14-32  前言 Introduction 1 不再作小孩子 No longer be infants 2 不要再像外邦人 No longer live like the Gentiles do 3 不要再偷 No…